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Hi there.
I’m a communication consultant specialized in brand positioning and copywriting.
I help companies define their narrative and tell their story using the right tone and words.

Hi there.
I’m specialized in brand positioning and copywriting.
I help companies define their narrative and tell their story.

Stories are essential.
Stories make us dream, laugh, and cry. They make us believe even the most unrealistic things. They make us buy.


from defining your core value to creating powerful content

Defining your value proposition
Collecting consumers insights
Conducting competitive analysis 
Making your USP meet your audience needs
Building your message architecture
Aligning the whole team on NDA and vision

Going back to your essentials
Defining your WHY and reason for being
Stating your mission with conviction
Turning your business into a story
Building trust with your audience
Making your audience part of your story

Strategic and UX copywriting
Baseline & punchlines
Brand manifesto
Pitch and speech writing

Like any human being, a brand comes with a specific language.

Creating a tone of voice based on your brand positioning and values
Setting up your voice characteristics 
Establishing an editorial chart

Content optimization and creation
Website, article, marketing email, use case, commercial kit, social post, white paper, press release, …

Brand design & visual identity
Web & UX design
Web development
Content strategy
Digital strategy

Defining your project and vision
Telling your story with conviction
Embodying your brand
Applying your tone of voice to your communication
Writing for the web

“The thing about an aha! moment is that you think you’ve never thought of it that way before. But you can’t have an aha! unless you already knew it.

So, the aha! is the remembering of what you already knew, articulated in a way to resonate with your own truth. The aha! isn’t somebody teaching you something, it’s somebody helping you to remember.”

Oprah Winfrey


aha! projects



if they say so // BLOX Earplugs // BNP Paribas Fortis // SHAPE Law Firm // Stéphanie Vandemoortele – Efficiency Booster // BLOX Earplugs // BNP Paribas Fortis //

 HappiK // TAT // Teasio // L’Agence pour le Non-Marchand // Caracal // Artem // Womstr // RISE (

SHAPE Law Firm // Stéphanie Vandemoortele – Efficiency Booster //

Storyme // Swinz // Playtime Films // Eléonore Van Bavel Studio // Nextensa

HappiK // TAT // Teasio // L’Agence pour le Non-Marchand //

Caracal // Inkutlab // Womstr // RISE ( // Storyme //

Swinz // Playtime Films // Eléonore Van Bavel Studio // Nextensa


stripping away the unnecessary to draw out the essential

Through one-on-ones, a series of useful tools and some playful workshops, together, we get to your essence.

Based on what makes you unique, we define your value proposition and create the perfect pitch.

We translate your value proposition into a story that makes you human, an identity that makes you unforgettable and a copy that makes you sell.

The story behind AHA!

hi, I’m Laura

The story
behind AHA!

hi, I’m Laura

Here are a few facts about me. I have a passion for humans. I’m an 80’s fan and I love eating pasta and gelati.

San Francisco is my favorite city in the world, yet I’ve never been there. It’s just that I read a book when I was 20 and fell in love with the city. And by referring to this, I’m starting to make my point. Stories matter.

for introspection ?